Channel: AskAVC – Michael Smith Jr. – Apprentice VC
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Ask A VC #1

Question: Do I need to have a real cap table when I raise money? Answer: Yes! And to be clear a real cap table is not just a table in a word doc but an actual pro-forma table preferably done in excel.  

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Here is the general idea.  You might be a startup person with a legitimate question you would like an answer to. Or you are the curious type and want to know how something works in VC land. I won’t...

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Ask A VC #2

Question:  How can female founders be empowered by being aware of this obvious bias in the market? Answer: I assume you mean the obvious bias is that VC is too male oriented. As a man myself I think...

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Ask A VC #3

Question: How do you evaluate a company pitching to you? Are there any critriea or specific metric you look for? Answer: These are always loaded questions since there is no one answer to them. It also...

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Ask A VC #4

Question: Do you put money keeping existing portfolio in mind or it’s the idea that you fund. Answer: Hopefully I have the context right on this one. First off, we would not fund a competitor to a...

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Ask A VC #5

Question: What’s the split between companies funded where you guys approach them / and those who approach you? Answer: Tough one to answer. In general it’s always a little bit of both. There are people...

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